Rotary Bangalore Indiranagar

Report from Jain Mission Hospital

As you all may recall, we had inaugurated the ICU and Emergency Room at the Jain Mission Hospital on the 9th of July 2021. The 9 bedded ICU at the Jain Mission Hospital at Chickballapur was inaugurated by Rtn. Ghanshyam Agrawal & President Rtn. Fazal Ur Rahaman, in the presence of Rotarians PP Dr. P.M. Bhansali, PP Dr. Krishnan Menon, PP Suresh Patel, PP M. Jagadeesh, PP Manoj Agarwal, Secretary Supriya Kandhari & Community Service Director Narssimhan Kannan. 
Dr. Narpat Solanki and other trustees of the Jain Mission Hospital also attended the function. Rotary Bangalore Indiranagar has contributed the funds for the ICU and the Emergency room amounting to approximately Rs. 80 lacs. 

I present to you a report of how the Emergency Room and the ICU has been helping people in the last 5 months. 

No. Of Patients Admitted to the Emergency Room

  • July  220
  • August 438
  • September 618
  • October  778
  • November 802
No. Of Patients Admitted to the ICU (average stay of 2-3 days)
  • July  12
  • August 14
  • September 10
  • October 16
  • November 20
Dr. Narpat Solanki, the Chairman and Founder Trustee for the Jain Mission Trust has been very vociferous in his praise for Rotary Bangalore Indiranagar and the support that we have provided to the Jain Mission Hospital. Also thank you to PP Rtn. Mahesh Parikh for providing us with the report.